Dynamic Looped Backgrounds

Beautiful colorful backgrounds that you can modify, customize and record loop videos

Frequently Ask Questions

What is color4bg?

color4bg.com provides a variety of beautiful and elegant colorful backgrounds.

They can be used on your website or graphic works, making your design looks better

Example of a website design using colorful bg
How to quickly use

How to use quickly?

Step 1, select a template you like and enter it.

Step 2, adjust the colors and set the proportions.

Step 3, click download to save it as an image.

Isn’t that easy ?

What's the deal with copyright?

You own the copyright to any background generated using this tool, just like you'd own the copyright to a design you made using Photoshop or Figma.

Get Inspired!

Graphic design
Tech Company Homepage
Social Media
Product Background
Promotion Banners
Web Design